Used Culligan approximately 2,500 gallon stainless steel media tank

Used Culligan approximately 2,500 gallon stainless steel media tank

Location:Canton, NC

orCall 252-378-4154


Used Culligan approximately 2,500 gallon stainless steel media tank. 95” diameter X 84” high straight side. Tank certified by Silvan Industries. NB/SN 828845. Certified 125 PSI @ -20 to 250 degrees F. Head thickness 0.437, Shell thickness 0.375. Has 6” inlet and outlets. Has all stainless steel face pipe equipped with Bray Controls pneumatic valves. Has 3” side top relief valve and 4” blinded side bottom outlet. Equipped with stainless steel diffusers. Mounted on (4) legs. Built 2017.


Stock NumberCANT0125-0012