Used Savannah Tank & Mfg Inc. approximately 11,288 gallon 316 stainless steel horizontal storage tank

No longer available

Used Savannah Tank & Mfg Inc. approximately 11,288 gallon 316 stainless steel horizontal storage tank

Location:South Carolina


Used Savannah Tank & Mfg Inc. approximately 11,288 gallon 316 stainless steel horizontal storage tank. 9'-6" diameter X 17' long straight side. Internal rated 2.5/-5 WC @ 250 F. Specific Gravity 0.81. Dished heads. Mounted on saddles. Insulated and covered with sheathing. Built 2004. FOB: SC


ManufacturerSavannah Tank & Mfg. Inc.
Stock NumberASCA0123-0044