Used Southern Heat Exchanger Corp. Approximately 441 sq ft. 316L stainless steel shell and tube heat exchanger.

Used Southern Heat Exchanger Corp. Approximately 441 sq ft. 316L stainless steel shell and tube heat exchanger.

Location:Cleveland, TX


Used Southern Heat Exchanger Corp. Approximately 441 sq ft. 316L stainless steel shell and tube heat exchanger. 26" diameter X 6' face to face length. Carbon steel shell rated 75/FV@ 15 to 350 degrees F. (281) 1" 316L stainless steel tubes rated 75/FV @ 15 to 350 degrees F. S/N 89-022, NB# 5726. Service side has 6" inlet and (2) 2"outlets. Process side has 8" inlet and 16"outlet. Built 1989, Weight 4,200#.


ManufacturerSouthern Heat Exchanger Corp
Stock NumberMITI0122-0050